Defining integrity, in the context of information, can be tricky. A simple web search on the matter will yield multiple results, but for clarity’s sake we’ll pick one of the briefest: Integrity refers to the reliability and trustworthiness of the data. A simple explanation, for sure, but in the real world, the issue is slightly more complicated.
When it comes to data interpretation, the questions “Has this data been manipulated, or tampered with?”, “Where does this data come from?”, “Can I trust the institution that holds my personal information?”, are all very much relevant. Cambridge Analytica, Equifax, and other similar high-profile events confirmed that, when it comes to data, there is no ironclad security.
Blockchain represents the polar opposite of a bank database. Blockchain – or distributed ledger technology – does not hold its data in a single, easy to tamper with database. Instead, an exact copy of the dataset exists in every node, and when a new block is added, every node knows about it. This poses an obvious advantage in terms of data security.
We are here to help! Reach out to learn how Blockhchain can help save your data!